South Central District Guidelines
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The Districts shall follow the same Constitution and By-laws as outlined for the State. Districts may add rules which are pertinent to local or district affairs and which are not in contradiction to the State Constitution and By-laws.
Shall be known as the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Administrative Professionals Association followed by District name (ex. NCCEAPA-South Central District or NCCEAPA-SCD) or Campus Chapter (NCCEAPA-Campus Chapter).
Meet twice a year in alphabetical order by county.
The district officers shall be the same as the state officers: President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Parliamentarian. The retiring President shall serve as Advisor. The District Secretaries are responsible for sending copies of district meeting minutes to the State President.
Officers shall serve a term of one year, except the Treasurer. The Treasurer will serve a two-year term. District officer nominations and election process shall be completed each Spring with officers to take office October 1 of same year.
District committee assignments shall be completed and sent to State President by November 1 of each year.
The District Board of Directors is composed of District Officers and District Committee Chairs and has the same function as the state level. The District Executive Board is composed of the District Officers.
The Assoc. Board of Directors is composed of State Executive Board, Elected District Officers and State Committee Chairs. The Assoc. Executive Board is composed of the State Officers.
The District Secretary will update the Committee Guidelines and District Guidelines on a continuous basis and will send the updates to the webmaster.
Districts will have all standing committees on the state level: Membership, Public Relations, Nominating, Rules and Bylaws, Finance, Reflections, and Professional Improvement. These committees shall have the same function as the state level, plus whatever other responsibilities the district designates. Districts may appoint special committees at their own discretion. Ours are Administrative Professional of the Year, Scholarship, Awards and Community Service. Below are some decisions made on the district level.
Committee Notebooks — Committee chairs will maintain an informational notebook for each committee – a description and duties for each committee. This will be passed on each year to the new chair.
Professional Improvement — Prepare certificates for outgoing committee chairpersons and officers to be presented to them at the fall meeting. District Professional Improvement Committee Herter O’Neal Scholarship Responsibilities: Working with the State 2nd Vice President, provide updated material and deadlines to each County Administrative Secretary in their district, receive all applications from their respective district and review applications and select a district finalist to send to the 2nd VP for final selection. The Professional Improvement Committee will not be responsible for awards as NCCEAPA-SCD has an Awards Committee. The District nominee for the Herter O’Neal Scholarship will receive the SC District Scholarship Award of $200.00.
Public Relations — Newsletter/News Release — A newsletter will be posted on our web site twice a year. Each county will be responsible for providing the information to the Public Relations Committee. The deadlines are December 1 and June 1. Also, a news release will be prepared for each county to use in local newspapers, inserting their own names for those in attendance at district meetings. The committee will take pictures for news releases.
Webmaster — Will take the lead in maintaining our web page (a revision date should be included). It is linked from the State Association web page.
Administrative Professional of the Year — This committee will consist of three past recipients, rotating off members as new ones come on. The senior member should receive all votes and provide results to other committee members rather than each member receiving votes. Admin. of the Year Nomination Form and Guidelines and Application Form.
Scholarship — NCCEAPA-SCD will give a $200 scholarship. The District nominee for the Herter O’Neal scholarship will the recipient of the SC District Scholarship.
Reflections — The committee will take pictures for the district scrapbooks and send copies to the State Reflections Committee Chair for the state scrapbooks.
Membership — A membership brochure was developed to help inform new secretaries about the association. A welcome letter with details about the district along with the brochure will be sent to new secretaries encouraging them to join the association. The brochure will be added to the state web page. An email should be sent to all secretaries announcing new secretaries. These guidelines should also be sent to new secretaries.
Honorary membership may be bestowed upon a member/retired member in recognition of outstanding service to the Association. Recommendation in writing shall be made to the District Membership Committee Chair. If approved at the district level, the district chair will forward to the State Membership Committee Chair to present recommendation to the Board of Directors who, after two-thirds vote, shall recommend the candidate to the Association at an annual meeting. A majority vote of the members assembled shall be required to confer the honor. An Honorary Member shall pay no dues except where he/she is an Active or Associate Member. Honorary Membership Nomination Form.
Awards — The committee will encourage (and assist if needed) members to nominate themselves or another district member for any district or state awards that are available.
Sunshine Committee — Established to help be an encouragement for the members of the NCCEAPA: South-Central District (NCEAPA-SCD). This committee will be made up of three members, one of which will be the South-Central District Administrative Associate, who will act as the Committee’s Communicator/Chair annual ongoing. If members of the NCEAPA-SCD or CED from the SCD are made aware of celebrations or concerns in the life of a NCEAPA-SCD member, they are to communicate those to the Sunshine Committee Communicator. This will enable all communications to be directed to one person, who will then follow through with the appropriate steps, including: following up with the person (in need of
support/celebration) to see if they wish for the information to be made public to the other members. If the person agrees, then the Communicator will let the other two Sunshine Committee Members know. These two members will then follow through with: 1. Send out encouragement (email or physical card) for the following personal events: Birthdays, Weddings, Birth/Addition of new child or grandchild, including adoption and fostering, Graduation/Degree Completion, New Hires, Illness, Loss of a member or member’s immediate family, Retirement. (NCEAPA-SCD membership will be made aware of the situation, as needed.)
Community Service — Will be decided each year, a community service project in which the district members can participate.
Dues — $30 ($20 state, $10 district) Amount of District dues shall be at the discretion of each district.
Dues for New Members — The district will pay for the first year of dues for new members and the first year following retirement for newly retired secretaries.
Officer Reimbursements — Mileage will be paid for district officers and committee chairmen to attend one Board of Directors meeting per year if their county will not reimburse them for mileage.
Host County — The county hosting the district meeting will receive a maximum of $100.
Study Manuals — We purchased study manuals for secretaries to use while preparing to take the Professional Secretaries International exam.
Transferring Monies — The treasurer was given permission to transfer monies from the money market account as needed.
Review of Funds – The accounts of the Treasure shall be reviewed at the close of the association year by a Review Committee, to be appointed by the President.
Outgoing President’s Gift — The first vice president will be responsible for recognizing outgoing district president with a gift of choice not to exceed $40.00 to be presented at the fall meeting.
Administrative Professional of the Year Award — A plaque and $50 will be awarded annually at the fall meeting. August 1 will be the deadline. The committee, consisting of past recipients, will coordinate the nominations.
Retirement — A gift card in the amount of $40.00 is to be purchased by and presented in person at a district meeting or reception, if possible. In the event that the gift card cannot be presented in person, it will be mailed to the recipient.
Certificates — The Professional Improvement Committee will prepare certificates for outgoing committee chairpersons and officers to be presented to them at the fall meeting.
Will give a $200 scholarship. Given to our district nominee for the Herter O’Neal Scholarship.
Horn of Plenty — We support it.
Gnome — Dr. Zaslow presented a gnome she had received from the association to our district. It was suggested that it remain within our district association, being passed on to future presidents while serving their term in office, thus becoming a tradition within the South Central District.
Benevolence — Make remembrance donation in the amount of $60 in the event of an immediate family (father, mother, child, or spouse) passing away. A member of the Sunshine Committee will contact the NCEAPA-SCD member or their supervisor, experiencing the loss, and determine where to make the donation. Once the donation has been made, the committee will report the donation to the district membership at large, this will allow members to make personal donations, if they feel led to do so. This will also be the process if a current member is hospitalized or passes. The purchase of flowers is an option for member hospitalization.
Revised 08/14/23